Sunday, June 19, 2011

Why Bill Gates is wrong.

Can We Improve Education By Increasing Class Size? - Education - GOOD

Okay, I know this is "old hat" news, but I wanted to address it since it came up with some teacher friends (yes, I have friends) over drinks the other night. And it bothers me. A lot.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

RTI training

Hey kids, another post, another day.
I went to an RTI training with the UFT Teachers' Center today and while I don't teach the "core" subjects, I left feeling a little more optimistic that someone knows what's going on. Hit the juuuump.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

How to Eat Healthy

So I mentioned my lunch as school in the last post, but what about breakfast and dinner? How do you maintain a healthy diet in a high stress job while minimizing the time you need to cook. Find out after the jump

The One Bag Philosophy

After two years of teaching and schlepping an inordinate number of bags, preparing lunches, and trying to hold it together, I've come up with a philosophy all teachers should abide by. Hit the jump to see what I mean.


Welcome! This is that time honored introductory blog post where you, the reader, feel welcomed by my sweet, sweet hospitality. The point of this blog is to take up the big ideas of where the now defunct left off. I'll be sharing ideas and philosophy regarding the teaching profession. Because right now things are a hot mess in the world of education. What? You didn't get that memo?

So welcome! And let's start a conversation about what's really happening in the world of education. And by starting that conversation, maybe we can come up with some new and exciting creative alternatives to education policy. No big deal, right?